March Madness

March Madness

Friday, August 23, 2013

We can't wait to meet you little one!

Welcome to our blog! We are excited for our family and friends to be able to follow along with our growing family!  This is my best attempt at allowing you all the chance to get a glimpse of our everyday as we welcome Baby March!
I am currently 39.5 weeks pregnant! I cannot believe the end of August is finally here! There were times when I thought this month would never come.  My official due date is August 28th so we are sitting back and trying to relax as we anxiously await our little nugget!  Joe and I have really been soaking up the days of just the two of us this summer.  As I try and stay busy these last few weeks I have started to reflect on a question that I have more recently been asked: "What am I going to miss most about being pregnant?"  At first I couldn't come up with anything as I feel pretty ready to have the baby, but the more I have thought about it this is what I have come up with:
I am going to miss travelling with the baby and knowing that wherever I go the little one is always there with me!  Joe and I have travelled around quite a bit in the last 9 months and there is so much comfort in just having that baby so safe inside me!
Seattle, WA July 2013
I am going to miss being pregnant with my sister Stefanie!  This has been so special for us to share this exciting time in our lives.  We are both pregnant with our first and she is just 3 months behind me!  I have loved sharing pregnant stories with each other and how quickly I have become the "pregnancy expert" that she can call at anytime asking, "Did this weird symptom happen to you?" or "Is my body really capable of stretching any further?"  The most special thing we have done together is prenatal yoga for the last 20 weeks!  I look forward to every class together!  When we enter the Yoga studio and the door closes there is something so powerful about all the women in the room being pregnant - the energy and support I feel is so moving.

 I am going to miss running while pregnant!  If you would have asked me at the beginning of my pregnancy if I thought I would miss that I for sure would have said no!  I had a rough first trimester and although I kept up my miles they were difficult and very tiring! As I moved into my 2nd and 3rd trimesters the running was awesome - I felt strong again and proud of myself!  My goal was to run until I was at least 30 weeks pregnant....I am now 39.5 weeks pregnant and I got up and went for a run this morning so I can definitely say I reached my goal!  I am lucky to have great friends (and a great husband) who meet me at crazy early hours in the mornings to run and push me along! Running while pregnant has helped me stay really in touch with my body and my baby!  I can for sure say that running while pregnant has been the reason I have felt so strong and energized all the way until the end (and I am hoping it helps during labor too!)

Finally, I am going to miss all the little things about being pregnant: I am going to miss my Mom and sisters always calling to check up on me, I am going to miss all my little cousins coming up with name ideas, I am going to miss friends and family (and random strangers) trying to guess the gender, I am going to miss my cousins and friends wanting so badly to feel the baby move, I am going to miss Joe pampering me and being so worried about me all the time, I am going to miss being the only one in the world who really knows this child and its every move, I am going to miss the anticipation of being a first time mom, I am going to miss my Oma making the sign of the cross on my head and belly every time she sees me, I am going to miss my brother-in-laws arguing over who deserves most to be the Godfather, I am going to miss Joe putting holy water on my belly every Sunday as we leave mass,  I am going miss Joe talking to my belly and making the baby move, Finally, I will miss being able to hold my baby so close to me.
Dear Little One,
You are about to turn our world around and we could not be more excited! Your Papa and I cannot wait to meet you and hold you and cuddle you.  We have spent 9 months trying to prepare for you, but nothing can prepare us for the amount of love we will feel for you when we first lay our eyes on you!  There are so many people in our lives that already love you so much - you are one lucky baby! 
We are so excited to meet you little one!
Love, Mama and Papa 

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this, Katie. So beautiful and heartfelt. I am excited to be able to follow along this amazing journey from afar. Love you.
