March Madness

March Madness

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ten Months!!

This watermelon loving, redheaded, crazy monkey man is 10 months old already!! Jack has grown so much this month! We can't keep up with him when he speed crawls all around and pulls himself up on everything! Our family love loves the summer so this month has been perfect!

We've been biking swimming and playing outside every chance we get! Jack makes us laugh so much - just this month he has really started copying everything! 

He's learned "how big is Jack?" "SO Big!" In English and German which is so fun! He knows sign language for "more" when he wants more to eat! He laughs at all our silly faces and he loves when Joe chases him as he quickly crawls away cracking up laughing!

He is just becoming such a little man! He is wild and crazy and climbs all over us. He is making a lot of new sounds and he has become a great eater! He eats with us at dinner each night and will eat whatever we serve ourselves! He sits in his chair and shoves that food in his mouth so fast! His favorites are kiwi, bananas, stir fried vegetables, eggs, chicken and goetta (a good Cincinnati German!) 

He still loves the park, loves to explore new places and is really noticing when his mama and papa leave the room!

Keep on being our little explorer - we love you buddy! Happy 10 months!'

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