March Madness

March Madness

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014!

Christmas this year was a special one! We just loved watching Jack experience the magic of Christmas. Even though he didn't understand it all quite yet, he did become skilled at the unwrapping of gifts, and most enjoyed so much time with his Papa home! We stayed in Cincinnati for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and they were such relaxing days!! 

We went to the museum center on Christmas Eve morning with my family and got to enjoy the beautiful train display! Jack and Henry loved it! 

Then jack napped and stayed home with Aunt Amy and Uncle Zhenya while Joe and I went to a beautiful Christmas mass at the cathedral downtown!  Then we headed to Oma and Opas for the large Ricke family Christmas party!! My Oma and Opa have been hosting that for longer then I've been around and it's just the moment every year that makes it truly feel like Christmas!!

Cousins being silly and posing "like college and high school students do these days" we really had a good laugh mimicking all the hilarious new poses seen these days on social media...

Christmas Eve at oma and Opas is just memorable, silly fun with cousins! My favorite part of the night is When we all collect in one room and Sing German Christmas carols together as we wait for Santa to come!

Jack got really into the singing this year!

really did not take too many pictures this year, but a few should capture the relaxing fun filled days with family! I sadly don't think I have a single picture of Aunt Amy and Uncle Zhenya from their time here. Pictures or not, having them
In town was fabulous!! We love that they take the time and make the trip to be with us during the holidays! Having our whole family together this year was very special!!

Christmas morning we spent at home with Aunt Amy and Uncle Zhenya! We woke up early and opened our stockings, made a delicious breakfast and then exchanged gifts. It was so relaxing and perfect! Joe, Jack, Roxie and I even took a great walk while Amy and Zhenya went to mass!

Jack got a red rocking chair from Santa! And Joe made Jack an amazing height measuring board decorated with the Cleveland Indians! So thoughtful!

Holding a truck and reading a book about trucks..does life get ANY better!! 

Christmas afternoon we headed over to Bill's apartment and enjoyed Christmas with our immediate family! All 8 adults and the babies made for a perfect afternoon!! We took a great long walk in the afternoon followed by our family gift exchange and a delicious, delicious Christmas dinner!!! We ate an elk roast from the elk Zhenya hunted and killed a few weeks ago!! It was amazing and so special! I have only one picture from the entire Christmas afternoon and evening spent with my family! Ha I guess that just means I was super relaxed and enjoying being in the present moment - it can be refreshing to not always have to capture everything on camera!!

(Oh and aunt Amy's head is in this picture!! She's getting jack to pretend he's a monkey!) 

A very very merry Christmas had by all! I couldn't have asked for a more relaxing and memorable few days filled with family and so much love for our sweet little

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