March Madness

March Madness

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Our Little Artist

Jack could do art projects, color, glue, stamp, stickers, playdough all day everyday. He is often found these days at the kitchen table hard at work! I love to watch him concentrate on making his picture just the right color or glue an object in just the right place. He is becoming a more detailed artist (for a 2 year old!) drawing circles, triangles, clouds, rocket ships, and even beginning to color specific objects:

While making this picture he told me he was making "four green rabbits."  

Jack often gets marker all over himself or the table and when he does he says "jack! No draw on jack, No draw on table! Only draw on Paper!" He is definitely in the phase of calling himself out for breaking the rules. It's often hard to keep a straight face around here!

He loves to draw "BIG circles and teeny tiny circles." And often asks us to draw "uncle zhenya and a rocket ship going to the moon."  And he thinks all his art work is "beuiful!"

We continued to enjoy Fall and the great weather we are still having. Jack as a toddler is just the best - the things that come out of his mouth, the giggling, the high energy, the imaginative play - all of it just makes me laugh all the time.

He is becoming such a great big brother to Elisabeth. He has lots of tricks up his sleeve to make her laugh and he is really into pinching her cheeks and saying "hi pretty girl!" And "Mama, yook at Jack's baby!" (He clearly copies everything we say! Ha) 

Our life recently has just been filled with family time and play time. I haven't blogged as much recently but will share just a few of a my favorites over the last few weeks. 

We had a nice visit to Cleveland and this was the first trip that Jack was into packing his own backpack of "things for grandma and grandpas house."

Toys, blankie, books and a few puppets - what else does a 2 year old need!?

We got to celebrate Grandma March's 87th birthday while we were there and spend some extra special time with her.

Fun is made in simple ways around here!


And when you're 2 and you are growing, teething and playing hard you tend to fall asleep anywhere!

When jack wakes up earlier then normal he likes to ask to sleep in his chair for a bit before coming downstairs and this is what we find when we check on him a few hours later! Ha

1 comment:

  1. Sweet update! Family time is the best!! Enjoy those cuties.
