March Madness

March Madness

Saturday, March 5, 2016

"I'm a Hopping Frog Hero!"

Jack is 2.5 years old today and learning and growing more everyday. His vocabulary has exploded and my days of just caring for him have been replaced with days spent hanging out and chatting with my buddy! 

As I write this, Jack is dressed up like a super hero leaping circles around me yelling "I'm a hopping frog hero!" (With a 103 degree fever..) never a dull moment! He is always playing dress ups and letting his imagination run wild - my favorite thing about him. 

I could write pages about Jacks vocabulary and his talking skills - the kid talks A LOT ALL DAY and we love it! He really has great clarity for a two year old and the conversations I have with that kid amaze me. Words come out of his mouth such as: "actually, sometimes, no thank you mama, I'm good, I'll stand up on this chair and help you is that cool?" He always has something to say and is constantly picking up new phrases he hears. I need to capture a bit of his words and phrases in hopes that I never forget - the challenge will be never forgetting his cute little voice!

When I walk in the door in the morning he stops playing to say "hi mama! How was your run?" When Joe or I walk
In the house in the evening he says "hi papa/mama! How was work." He blesses us when we sneeze and says excuse me when he needs to get by someone. He reminds us to pray when we sit down for a meal. He sits in his bed in the morning after waking up and you can just hear his sweet little voice repeating "mama/papa jacks awake" 

He sings lots of songs and sings while he plays, sings to his sister, and sings to Tante Amy on FaceTime. He will start off the song and be a few lines in before loudly saying "sing with me!" He also prefers me not sing...he will hear me singing from the other room, stop playing and come in to ask me "mama, please stop singing."  

He can count to 20 and say the alphabet. When he counts his toys or his trucks he will start counting pause and say "hey guys count with me!" 

While driving down the street he will point at every house in a long row of houses and rattle off the color of each home as we drive by

He rubs my face in the mornings puts his cheek to my cheek and says "hi mama. Hi my beautiful angel." He often rubs Elisabeth's face and says "hi princess" or " hi pretty girl." 

Kids this age just repeat everything we say and I think it's so funny to hear joe and my common phrases later come out of his mouth (I'm learning the phrases I must say All the time!) 

Jack has a mind of his own, he can play by himself for awhile building Legos, playing trains and playing with batman and superman. He still loves to read books and would happily sit and watch cartoons all day if we would let him. He continues to eat well, becomes a totally hyper toddler in the morning and evenings, loves to do anything outside, never lets his blankie get too far from him, and is obsessed with his Papa! 

He is into art and often found busy at his easel. The other day he drew his first face.  He likes to help cook, loves to help care for his sister and talks about "I'm a He and when I grow up I'm going to be a Papa. Elisabeth's a she and when she grows up she's going to be a Mama." 

Potty training hasn't happened yet. Jack tells me "no thank you I'm good." When I ask him if he's ready to go in the potty. On occasion though he gets excited about it and decides to give it a try

Jack is joyful, entertaining and adorable! He's friendly and easy to be around! Henry and Hannah are his 2 close friends and I like to watch them play together. He has his occasional melt downs and is still learning to manage all those crazy emotions. 

Jack, keep being the sweet boy you are. We love you!!

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