March Madness

March Madness

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Days Are Getting Warmer 😎

Every year I blog about warm weather because it just completes me! It brings an excitement out in me like a kid on Christmas morning! We've had warm days mixed in basically all winter this year but this week the warmth seems to be around to stay - hooray hooray!! 


Nothing new is happening around here. We seem to just be in a sweet spot with the kids. They play together, they can be more independent, they can hang together in the back yeard for hours, Jack can dress himself and put his shoes on,  they can reach the fruit bowl if their hungry - so basically my days of parenting are winding down (haha 😜). In all seriousness though I am just really enjoying their ages right now! 







"Mama I just love this woman! can you take a picture of us?" - about a random metal statue at the Zoo! 



The kids went to the Becoming A Farm Kid Camp that they have most Wednesdays at Parkys Farm and this weeks theme was learning to fish and grinding up food to learn how to feed the fish!






We drove to Louisville to visit Susanna and Ryan's adorable new baby, Mia! The kids loved her!


We've had many days at the zoo but one particularly special trip was spent with Lucy and her kiddos!



We've been busy writing, reading and snuggling!




The boys went to see their first theatre performance with Joe! They saw Tarzan and loved it! And in typical sister fashion, Stefanie and I randomly dressed the boys exactly alike!



And finally these 2 in the backyard are always coming up with new games and ideas! One thing they always do though is check under every rock for worms to feed to the chickens. Jack is in charge or lifting the rock and Elisabeth is in charge of catching the worm! 



Elisabeths vocabulary continues to develop and she continues to crack us up with her personality! 


She tries to fool me with this lip pout but she will quickly turn around to Jack and just laugh as if she's tricked me! Love these 2 kiddos! 

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