March Madness

March Madness

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Singing Fanatic

Oh Elisabeth Jane you are just a hoot! We cannot get enough of you! One thing about you right now that I just love is your love for singing! You have your own version of a lot of words and you sing all the time with that cute voice of yours! You can always tell what she is singing because she has the tunes down but her tends to talk and sing so fast she just jumbles all her words! Some of her favorites to sing are ring around the rosey, rain rain go away, 5 little pumpkins, and BINGO


She will pretty much do anything for a laugh and when she gets extremely excited about something she will flap her hands, fall to the ground, then turn into a dog and start licking everyone and everything out of excitement! Ha!


She is full of energy and it was just the other day that I sat back to watch her and realized that she does not stop ever! She runs from thing to thing, talks at a crazy fast speed and is always on a mission! Girl you are just too much and we love it! 


Her current obsession is trains - henry the train goes everywhere with her and she is often heard crying for "enri the choo choo" at night in bed! 


She is very into playing make believe and likes to play tricks on us. Elisabeth you make my days so full of joy and laughter!


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