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March Madness

Friday, December 9, 2022

My Nursing Journey!

This topic deserves more than just a blog post, but I need a space to share my journey and a huge part of my life!  I just stopped nursing Charlotte which marks 9 years and 3 months of continuous breastfeeding for me.  Almost a 3rd of my life I have spent nursing and I truly loved every minute of it! It has been such a joy and a blessing to have had this opportunity.  I can't even do the math on how many hours I have spent nursing over the last 9 years, but I hope its forever etched in my memory all the sweet moments it gave me alone with each kid.  (Well, probably not alone since many times I had 2 kids nursing at once and lots of people climbing on me).  Nursing, mamas' milk or milkie as referred to by my kids, has been such a constant for me in my parenting journey and always guaranteed to offer me moments in my day to just sit. A moment to say no to everything else around me and hold that baby or toddler close and feel that instant connection.  I miss it already - a lot.  I have grieved the end and have been tearful for a few months leading up to it.  I knew it had to happen at some point, but I knew it was going to be hard to give it up.  My attachment to it is big and for the few weeks since I've stopped, there have been many days where I just want to pick Charlotte up and do what I know best when she is upset or awake at night - its 100% effective 100% of the time!  Each kid nursed until just a little over age 3.  My favorite moments recently were Charlotte being old enough to ask "milkie on the couch, mom?  Just a few sips?" And Josie crying over the last 2 years on occasion that she just misses mama milk so much and maybe, just maybe, she could have a little sip? I tandem nursed them all and will always feel so much appreciation for the miracle that is my body that kept them healthy and happy for so many special years!  

This rocking chair has moved from house to house and holds lots of memories and lots of nursing sessions and book reading!

My final night nursing

I'm sure I could have searched for more pictures of me nursing over the years but here is a fun one - just proof that nothing ever got in the way of nursing and those kids really loved to nurse around the clock like a newborn no matter their age - I never minded!

I also often see my kids nursing their babies.  This was on our walk to school and charlotte needed to stop outside Nativity for a quick nurse of her baby

Gosh I just love these 4 cuties!!

Thanks for all the snuggles and giggles and sweet moments I share with the 4 of you - I will never, ever forget these 9 special years

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