March Madness

March Madness

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Soaking up Summer!

 The final weeks of summer where we just try to squeeze in every last bit of fun.  I like to take the kids to do a few final outings, get school shopping done, have some lazy pool days and fit in a few extra get togethers with friends!  This was such a wonderful summer!  Each summer where the kids get older, we get to do more and be out longer and it's been a special new phase!  I feel a lot of grief when the summer wraps up because I really like our lazy slow mornings together, our pool days and outings and more than anything I love when the kids are home!!!  

The girls and I headed to a tea party up the street at Community Happens.  We had a really fun  morning making flower crowns, drinking tea and visiting with neighbors

The neighbor kids developed a progressive lunch for the 3 families - Marchs, Parcells and Freezes!  It was adorable!  They started at the Parcells for the main course, went to the Freeze house for fruits and veggies and then ended at our house for dessert.  The adults all stayed home and the kids made their way from house to house - it was so cute to watch them organize this and travel around the neighborhood together!

Joe and I went on a biking day date with Liz and Mason!  We biked along bike path to a few breweries and back - one of our favorite adult outings!! We had the best day

Jack headed up to Community Happens for their Saturday Hospitality event they have every Saturday to ask if he could help! The staff put him right to work making and serving snow cones - I could tell he loved it and felt really proud to be serving the community.

I need to take a moment for my patio flowers!! I get so much joy every year caring for my plants and sitting on the patio to enjoy them! I have picked some good plants that continue to bloom all summer and fall and its makes for a beautiful and peaceful site to enjoy!!

More swim meet fun!

Jack and Elisabeth headed off to foraging camp!

Josie and Charlotte headed off to daring disciple's camp at Bellarmine

I added a few things to my office at work and just want to share its coziness!! It has become my little home and away from home and I love sitting in this office and seeing my clients!

So many parties with friends this summer!! We have built so many communities and it brings Joe and I a lot of joy to keep up with them. This pool party was with the SFM running community - post long run of course!

Swim team championships!  Jack and Elisabeth both made it to the championships and they killed it!! This picture below is of Elisabeth and the boy she was competing with all season and she ended up beating him by 2 seconds in the finals for Butterfly!  She was so excited and proud of herself - you GO girl!!

Josie and Thomas got together with Omi for the Shultuete get together before the start of Kindergarten!  Omi has been continuing this tradition with each of our kids and its been such a special send off to Kindergarten!  

I took the kids to Parky's Farm to enjoy a sunny day visiting the animals!

Jack and Elisabeth head to coffee shops with Bill on the some of the days he watches them and they drink steamed milk and read their books!  They visited a few Cincinnati historical sites after and collected some research!  Bill brought them home to his house after to teach them how to make excel spreadsheets with their collected data - what a COOL opa!!

The final days of summer - still enjoying all the sites around town!! Today we headed to the Cincinnati Nature Center to hike and play in the playscape!

Neighborhood Lemonade Stand - the kids stayed out for hours and collected quite a bit of money!

Joe and I went on another one of our favorite adult days - cabrewing!! We go with this group each summer for a friend's birthday - such a great and relaxing date day!!

Meet the teacher - Josie always looking stylish!

Boys adventuring around the neighborhood - and building wooden boxes waay high up in trees to hide things from their siblings 

Top Golf with the family and a few Nativity friends to celebrate the final week of summer!! What an amazing summer we had!!

Jack making his 10th birthday wish list

Summer hiking and buying a HAMSTER!!  we have absolutely loved our "snowdini" so far - he is so adorable and snuggly!

Hitting up the children's museum with the kids! Most schools were already back in session so it was fun to have it less crowded to run around the different exhibits!

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