March Madness

March Madness

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Elisabeths First Holy Communion!

Elisabeth made her First Communion and it was such a special day!  We had so many people come to celebrate her and she was beaming!  Elisabeth made first communion with her whole 2nd grade class at Nativity.  We celebrated with a 1:30 mass on a beautiful Sunday afternoon followed by a late lunch.  Grandma and Grandpa, The Cumbas, Uncle Charlie, Uncle Michael and Marisa all made the trip down from Cleveland.  Tante Amy, Uncle Zhenya and Amelia came in from Albuquerque, and Omi and Opa and the Meyers were here!  So many people surrounding Elisabeth with love.

Elisabeth's dress was handmade by her Great Grandmother - Therese March.  She originally made it for Aunt Alex over 30 years ago and Elisabeth was so lucky to get to wear it.  It was such a sweet dress with a tag sewn inside "made with love by grandma." We will not forget this special memory. 

Josefine and Charlotte wore dresses made by my Mom that Amy and I wore for my sister  Stefanie's First Communion (also over 30 years ago!)

Elisabeth's Godparents - Tante Amy and Uncle Michael!  What a special treat to have them both here!

The house, patio and screen porch just looked beautiful! Joe and I love to get our house ready to host and it brought us so much joy to have it filled up with so much of our family!  Joe's parents and the Cumbas came for the weekend and we had such a nice time with a house full of guest!

The night before the First Communion we took our guests to 50 West and had such a fun time and delicious dinner - the weekend's weather could not have been more perfect


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