March Madness

March Madness

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just One Baby!

I know I will look back one day on that time in my life when I had just one baby! A time I will never forget and a time I will always cherish! These last 2 months have been so special. I love that I can take Jack wherever I want, and I really love getting outside to enjoy the beautiful weather! Jack has been such a good baby and is a trooper when I take him out! We do everything together - we go for lots of runs and walks, we visit friends, we grocery shop, we meet Joe for lunch, we walk with my Mom during her lunch breaks, we visit Oma and Opa, we go to coffee shops, we hang out at home, we do lots of cooking and baking, we go to the dog park, we go to bookstores, we go to the park, we visit my Mom in Dayton, we hang out with Aunt Stefanie after she gets off work, we go to breweries with Joe after he gets off work, and we just really make the most of our days together!   Although we will hopefully get to welcome more kids into our family one day, I will say that for now I just couldn't be happier to be the mother of just one baby! Jack has slowed my life down and I love it! Jack allows me to stop and soak up the beauty around me! Jack has taught me patience  and flexibility. Jack has taught me to be more comfortable with silence and that if an hour has gone by and all I've done is stared at him the entire hour that's ok! Jack has taught me how to make sacrifices. Jack has helped me to be a better wife.  Jack has helped me to love my parents even more then I ever have for the sacrifices I now know they have made for me.  Jack is truly a blessing in my life!   

A few snapshots from our special days together showing Jack all my favorite spots in the city!

This is the face that looks up at me the whole time I run - I never thought I could love running more then I already do! 

Coffee dates downtown!

Enjoying the beauty of Fall! 

Purple People Bridge - Downtown Cincinnati/Newport Kentucky!


  1. So beautiful! You were MADE to be a Mama. As much as Jack is a blessing in your life, so are you to his life! Lucky little March Family! xoxo

  2. So glad you are making the most of everyday, Katie. You're right the time you have with your first is really special and unique. It's still possible to be in the moment once you have subsequent kids but it gets harder. And busier. It's inevitable that you get pulled in more directions, but it's still awesome. Just in a different way. It is great to watch the sibling relationship grow. For now, keep enjoying sweet Jack! Having a chilled out baby is so wonderful...I reckon, in many cases, it's a reflection of how relaxed you are. Love you and miss you guys.
