March Madness

March Madness

Monday, January 25, 2016


Stefanie, Oliver, Elisabeth and I flew to New Mexico last weekend to visit Amy and Zhenya! We had a wonderful trip, so much memorable sister time and a chance to be with Amy on her 30th birthday! A weekend I won't forget! 

The flights were perfect. No delays, cancellations, no feeling rushed, no long layovers, no crying babies, and an open seat between us the way there and back - wow!

Elisabeth really liked the flights - she giggled much of the way and even got a seat to herself to stretch out her legs!

The weekend was spent relaxing at the Zhupikov's home, hiking volcanos, visiting Sante Fe and Madrid, NM, meeting their friends, lots of sister laughs and back massages, and loving on the littles 

O and E got to meet Uncle Zhenya for the first time and they loved him! 

Sister time without the toddlers made for really nice quality sister bonding!

I found it so special to spend days alone with Elisabeth - rare with baby #2 to get days of uninterrupted snuggles and attention! 

Sante Fe and Madrid were such great towns and everything was the way I expected New Mexico to be.

Thank you Amy and Zhenya for a wonderful weekend away!! You are great hosts and we miss you already!

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