March Madness

March Madness

Monday, September 5, 2016


As Jack turned 3 this week Joe and I are reflecting on the fact that we have been trying to figure out parenting now for 3 years. Although we still have A LOT to learn we are proud of our little family and feel blessed to be challenged to grow in the ways we have! We got to be in Cleveland the weekend of his birthday to celebrate and it was very memorable!

Jack has been such a blessing to us and over this past year we have watched him
Turn into a loving and caring big brother, an independent and creative thinker, sensitive and sometimes nervous, quick to help others, a story teller, a constant talker, a love for being outside but also just as happy to play with his toys inside, a wild imagination, a small but good eater , a love for sleeping, an outgoing and loving friend, a passion for books and learning, excited for new experiences and adventure, and a very proud boy when he learns something new.

He is getting better at drawing and doing creative art. He can sit for longer and longer periods of time playing with play dough and drawing.

This is his most recent picture of a person he drew "mama, it has arms, and eyes and a mouth and crazy hair just like when I get out of the bath and it even has a heart!" "It kinda looks like a monster guy!"

Jack has been saying such funny things lately and I need to write a few down in hopes that I never forget his cuteness and the way he can make us laugh!

Jacks most common phrases as of lately:
"Mama/Papa I love you!" 
"Hey guys I have an idea"
"Mama I have to tell you something."

Jack: "Mama lets walk to Xavier and I'll bring my sword and we can play king of
The castle and I'll be the dragon and you be the queen!"

Jack: "Mama I wish I had a pick up truck and not a play one a REAL one like Uncle Andrews."

Jack: "Everyone, it's time for story time and breaks out in song 'the itsy bitsy spider.."'

Mama: "Jack can I have some of that lip gloss?"
Jack: "Oh mama I didn't hear any manners"

Jack: "Mama I hear an ambulance. I hope everyone's ok. We should say a prayer for all the people"

Jack seems to have an answer to Everything! And his most often answer in the last few months has been: "I'll do that when I'm 3."

Jack puts goggles on before he sits on potty "I don't want that pee to get in my eyes!" 😂

His favorite things right now are: batman and superman anything, Legos, playdough, trains, cars trucks and anything that moves, coloring, making his sister laugh, the sandbox, dress ups, singing, and reading. He is starting to understand how to make up games and get others involved. He has gotten much better at sharing and often likes to sing a sharing jingle to remind himself. He still won't ever be found far from his blankie or his thumb! 

He loves to sing and will sing along with the children's CDs in the car! He loves to tell stories and always begins with "once upon a time.." He is sweet and caring and shows concern for others emotions. He stops every 30 minutes or so while playing to remind me that he loves me..Joe thinks maybe he has inherited a bit of my separation anxiety problems ;). All in all Jack, you are growing up to be such a great little man! Your enthusiasm for life is contagious and we are proud to be your parents! We love you Jack Clemens! 

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