March Madness

March Madness

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year!

2017! Wow time is flying! As I order my blog in printed book form I realize this is the start of my 5th book! That's so hard to believe! 2016 was a beautiful year for us full of so many memories and great family time! I feel we spent more weekends playing, building friendships and relaxing and less time focused on our to do list! It was a year of growth and family! 


I just love the few weeks around Christmas! My office closes between Christmas and New Year so it forces me to take a break from being at work and just focus on my family! It is the best! And this year with Amy and Zhenya in town we did nothing but family and I loved every second of it!






As we start the new year with a 3 year old and a 1.5 year old I feel grateful and blessed for my little family and for the new memories we will get to create this year! 


They are developing such a great friendship and watching them together warms my heart! Lately Elisabeth wakes up and calls for jack from her room to his. He climbs out of bed and runs into her room and sits next to her bed. They talk, sing and giggle. I can hear all this happening from downstairs and I never want to interrupt it! Those moments are so special!



(It was warm the other day and the kids were helping us wash the cars)



This is what dinners look like around our house! A full table with lots of conversation and singing!





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