March Madness

March Madness

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


We had a beautiful, relaxing, family filled Thanksgiving this year! We stayed in Cincinnati for thanksgiving day and then went to Cleveland from Friday morning until Sunday. Lots of time to just be together and do nothing which was much needed! 

Wednesday night before Thanksgiving joe and I headed out with some of my adult cousins! We haven't done that since more have gotten older than 21 so this was a really memorable night! Anna was in town from Norway so we all enjoyed showing her the downtown scene! 



Thursday morning my family all did the Turkey Trot! Truly doesn't feel like thanksgiving if not started downtown at a race! Joe and I decided to run with the stroller this year (well joe did all the pushing - hello 36 weeks pregnant!) but we did end up running the whole race and I felt so proud of myself - it was a fun year to run because I had no expectations and just really enjoyed Joe and the kids being with me! 


We headed to my Oma and Opa's house Thursday afternoon for the big family Thanksgiving! I took very few pictures but will always have the most fond memories of Oma and Opa's house during the holidays! My Oma still does much of the cooking (which every year we try to take from her but she just doesn't want to give it up). 





We then headed to Cleveland for the rest of the long weekend and had such a nice relaxing stay! We went downtown on Saturday to enjoy some Christmas festivities but otherwise took it easy which was perfect!



Again I took almost no pictures the entire weekend so just a few to capture the happiness we felt being a Grandma and Grandpas!




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