March Madness

March Madness

Friday, July 26, 2019

She’s 4!!!

Elisabeth Jane! You have counted down the days for months leading up to your 4th birthday! Your joy for your birthday was so contagious! I love the 4 year old that you are. You’ve grown up in little ways over the last
Few months that have made you so lovely and helpful and grown up. You had the cutest 2 wishes for your birthday - neither of which I could fulfill but you still confidently asked for them - a real live baby in your belly and a talking unicorn. You are spunky, athletic, caring, motherly and stubborn at times - I love to be around you! 

We had your cincy cousins over for your birthday and made the 6 cutest unicorns! We
Put ice cream cones on top of cupcakes to make “unicorn cake” and both activities totally satisfied your desire for a unicorn birthday party. 

You love your family and friends with all your heart. You are a natural born leader and like to create games and ideas. You CANNOT wait to marry your brother and ask daily to babysit your sister. You still ask to nurse everyday (even though you stopped almost 8 months ago). You cannot go to bed without 10 hugs and 10 kisses from Mama and papa and without loving all over your new baby sister in mamas belly. You tell me “gosh Mama she’s going to be so cute when she comes out” You are so sweet Elisabeth Jane.

You love to teach Josie everything you are doing and you are always so proud of everything Jack does! 

You still rely heavily on your naps or you can become rather cranky. You are always hungry and you love to workout! You always ask to do the “7 minute workout” app on the iPad and most mornings you set the timer on the iPad for 10 minutes and run continuous circles around the house “for just a quick morning workout.” Your enthusiasm for life is amazing! 

You love your grandparents and have a really special bond with grandpa and grandpa and Omi and Opa.  You LOve To write letters and send mail. And make people cards.

Happy 4th Birthday Elisabeth Jane. We love you and are so proud of the beautiful girl you are growing into! 

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