March Madness

March Madness

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Jack is 8!

Our oldest is 8!! How did that happen! Happy birthday Jack!! We had the best time celebrating you! You like to remind me on the daily how old you are so that you can hear me say “oh please stop growing! You must stay little forever!” When I asked Jack what his birthday wishes were his response “I would love a giant geode from you and papa and I would love to spend my birthday hiking and playing in the creek with my sisters, cousins and a few friends!” Jack - you are so easy to please and your requests are innocent and adorable! He’s always found the joy in the simple things - I hope you never lose that

Joe and I took 12 kids into the woods at French park and gave them each a hiking pack with a few items needed to explore! We hiked, we built with clay we found in the creek, and we played in the creek! It was a wild blast 

We sure did get you your one wish! And instead of just getting you one geode to crack open we got you a box of them! Hammer away buddy! 

On your actual birthday we got to go to the lake house and celebrate with the extended family and with all the other family September birthdays! It was special to all be together 

Happy Birthday Jack Clemens! You are my favorite boy! You are caring and loving and simple! You rarely make a fuss and always seem to know when I need help! You are protective of your sisters, idol you papa, and love so deeply your mama! You still love to snuggle and your life long love of books has exploded and most often found all over the house and yard with your nose in a book! I love when you read a good book and want to tell me all about it! You love science and nature and can entertain yourself for hours! You are starting to really enjoy playing sports and you love school and your friends. You are a total joy to parent and are the best role model to your sisters! Mama and Papa are so proud of you little buddy! Happy birthday! We love you 💕

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